

Knit and wear sustainably - KNITnWEAR style TC

Sustainability has been at the heart of KNITnWEAR since the very beginning and therefore we put equal emphasis on the three following subjects:

  1. We keep our garments natural
  2. We equip the right knitting technique
  3. Greening the garment's lifecycle
Knit and wear sustainably - KNITnWEAR style TC

KNITnWEAR sources only natural fibres, mainly wool-based.

Wool is famous worldwide for its next-to-skin softness. KNITnWEAR chose wool not only because it is 100% natural, at the same time renewable and biodegradable.


By purchasing from sustainable partners such as Zegna Baruffa™, we are able to knit garments with both socially responsible and high-quality made in Italy yarn. KNITnWEAR guarantees our customers next level of comfort.


KNITnWEAR is equipped with machinery that meets the highest standards and triggers innovation.

First of all, knit and wear® helps boast ecological benefits such as low fabric consumption. Through STOLL’s knit and wear® we are able to knit out the garment in 3D format entirely, which minimises waste and reduces excess materials. By equipping with the right knitting technology, it results in a lessened carbon footprint.


By STOLL’s knit and wear® we can give more structure to knitted garments by using only the exact amount of required yarn. Thus, reducing the volume of surplus material, increasing the sustainability of knitted garments.

KNITnWEAR is equipped with machinery that meets the highest standards and triggers innovation.

KNITnWEAR provides a green purchasing choice for customers.

This is done on the basis of our green raw material sourcing, preserving local production, personalization and ongoing knitting innovation to improve the sustainability of garment production.


Fast fashion, or in other words single-use purchases, has spoiled us into throwaway culture. By providing customisation, clients can design their own garments that fits their needs.


KNITnWEAR guarantees our clients in receiving a satisfying garment.


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